CALIcon Hotel Block – Expires Soon!

5608359818_220bc882dbIf you’re coming to CALIcon, you’re going to need a place to sleep. We realized this when we were planning CALIcon, and made arrangements with the absolutely loverly Palmer House Hilton (the lobby of which is pictured here) to get our attendees a special rate.

Here’s the thing…when you make special deals like this with hotels, especially ones in high demand areas like downtown Chicago, you basically promise to buy the hotel rooms no matter what.  So if our attendees don’t fill up our block, we owe the Hilton a good chunk of change.  And this is Chicago.  You don’t skip out on your debts in Chicago…otherwise some burly guys may pick up John Mayer and take him on a one way trip to Cicero.

As a formerly tight budgeted academic, I know the tricks of checking for rooms in other places instead of going through the conference organizers.  However, I just checked and our special rate is actually lower than pretty much anything in the Loop.  So goin g through the Conference Hotel site to book your room is a win-win-win.  You get as cheap of a room as possible, CALI doesn’t have to spend money unnecessarily, and John Mayer gets to go home to his lovely wife and live into old age.


Okay, here’s what you do: The hotel information on the conference site has all the instructions for making reservations online or by phone.  Be sure to use the group rate of CLS and/or tell them you’re with CALI.  And one more thing…YOU MUST DO THIS BY MAY 20, 2013.  That’s next Monday!  Time is running out!


Photo Credit: ZJemptv via Compfight cc

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