CALI’s A2J Author has helped over 470,000 people this year!

6150105011_487ae98fc5_mWe’re proud to announce that in 2014 so far, CALI’s A2J Author® software has helped 471,942 pro se litigants fill out their court forms! We are on target to help over 629,000 people address their legal needs across the country. From the projected 629,000 A2J Guided Interviews® that will be run in 2014, almost 500,000 court forms will be assembled and ready for the pro se litigant to use in court. Since 2005, we have helped 2.5 million people fill out almost 1.5 million court forms!

A2J Author is a software tool created by CALI and IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law that delivers greater access to justice for self-represented litigants. It enables non-technical authors from the courts, legal aid organizations, and law schools to rapid build and implement pro se friendly web-based interfaces for document assembly. These A2J Guided Interviews walk pro se litigants through complicated court forms one question at a time, while offering just in time learning features to make the process easier. The over 1,000 A2J Guided Interviews cover a range of legal needs from completing a divorce petition to foreclosure defense to name changes.

To learn more about A2J Author, visit

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