CALI Announces its new A2J Project Matching Portal!


CALI is pleased to announce its new A2J Project Matching Portal, a new easy-to-use feature on that facilitates partnerships between legal aid organizations, courts, and law schools to create A2J Guided Interviews. This portal centralizes A2J form automation projects across the country to scale the number of A2J Guided Interviews that are available for use by self-represented litigants. Legal aid organizations and courts seeking help with automating legal forms using A2J Author can post those projects to the portal. Law school faculty members can then find available projects for their students in courses like those in the A2J Author Course Project.

The A2J Project Matching Portal will contribute to lowering barriers to justice by making it easy to post and find available A2J projects. Legal aid organizations and courts can save time looking for help to automate forms. In turn, law students will have an opportunity to do important public interest work while gaining technical competencies that are crucial for professional development. Through those collaborative efforts, self-represented litigants will have access to more self-help tools covering a wide array of legal issues.

For questions about the matching portal, please contact Alexander Rabanal or John Mayer.

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