CALIcon Conference Registration is open!

CALIcon21 Conference Logo

Don’t miss out on the latest from CALIcon Conference!  

The CALIcon Conference, also known as ” The Conference for Law School Computing® “, is one of the longest-running legal education conferences in the United States. The conference brings together law school faculty, librarians, IT professionals, and administrators to share ideas, innovations, experiences and best practices in legal education/technology that you can use at your law school. It is eclectic, engaging, and fun!

Who Attends CALIcon?

Our attendees are a mixture of law professors, law librarians, and library directors, law school IT staff and law clinic faculty. We are also beginning to see attendees from the legal technology world. They are early-adopters, socially connected and highly influential in technology purchasing decisions. We expect 250- 350 attendees this year.

CALIcon2020 Conference Attendee breakdown by Job Function

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