Free, Online Course on Digital Law Practice

Because of technological, economic, and market pressures, the way we practice law is rapidly evolving. Law students, are you prepared for these changes in law practice? Legal educators, are you preparing your students? CALI is offering a free nine-week online course on Topics in Digital Law Practice to help address these issues starting Friday, February 10, 2012 at 2pm ET. The course is open to anyone.

Register here.

About the Course

This course is designed to provide an overview of the changes that are occurring in the practice of law today, especially with respect to technology. It will introduce law students for real-world situations that they will encounter in the job market and point law professors to new avenues to cover in their courses. Registrants should follow the TDLP course website/blog, where we’ll post announcements, discussions, archives, and other info.

The course will run for one hour a week for nine weeks and will feature a different guest speaker each week. Each class will be delivered via webcast and will have a 30 minute lecture presentation followed by a question & answer period and an online, interactive homework assignment for all course students to complete. There will be no formal assessment like midterms or a final exam.

The audience for this seminar is primarily law students and law faculty who will be given priority. Anyone else can join the course for one or all of the sessions. The presentations will be recorded and posted to the course blog.

The course is free, but you must register.


Week 1: The Virtual Law Office
Friday, Feb. 10, 2-3pm ET
Stephanie Kimbro, Attorney and Technology Consultant,

Week 2: Document Automation
Friday, Feb. 17, 2-3pm ET
Marc Lauritsen, Attorney and Document Automation Expert,

Week 3: Technology in the Courts
Friday, Feb. 24, 2-3pm ET
Guest Speaker TBD

Week 4: Unbundling Legal Service Delivery
Friday, Mar. 2, 2-3pm ET
Richard Granat, President, SmartLegalForms & DirectLaw,

Week 5: Online Legal Forms in Legal Aid
Friday, Mar. 9, 2-3pm ET
Ronald W. Staudt, Professor of Law, Chicago-Kent College of Law

Week 6: Contract Standardization
Friday, Mar. 16, 2-3pm ET
Kingsley Martin, President, &

Week 7: Free Legal Research Tools
Friday, Mar. 23, 2-3pm ET
Sarah Glassmeyer, Director of Content Development / Law Librarian, CALI

Week 8: Unauthorized Practice of Law in the 21st Century
Friday, Mar. 30, 2-3pm ET
William Hornsby, Staff Counsel at American Bar Association

Week 9: Social Media for Lawyers
Friday, Apr. 6, 2-3pm ET
Ernest Svenson, Attorney at Law,

Questions, comments, suggestions?

Contact me at the email address below:

John Mayer, Executive Director
Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction / CALI
Twitter: @johnpmayer


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4 Responses to Free, Online Course on Digital Law Practice

  1. Adnan Fakih says:

    I am very interested in your program. However, there is a conflict between the official schedule and my working hours. Would this program be archived for later viewing? I truly hope you would archive this information for later viewing. Thanks.

  2. Austin Groothuis says:

    Hi Adnan,

    Much, much broader. Have a look at the topics in the schedule.

  3. Adnan Fakih says:

    Is this course related to e-discovery or is it broader than e-discovery?

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