CALIcon 14 Updates – Reception, Agenda and more!

2927411027_5c4eb12fe2_zJust 36 days until legal education and technology’s premiere educational and networking event…CALIcon14!   And with that date drawing closer, I have some updates for you.

There will be a reception for all attendees on Thursday night at the Harvard Faculty Club. (Pictured here – pretty swank, eh?) It will run from 5:00pm to 7:30 and will feature an open bar and hors d’oeuvres.  It’s absolutely free for registered attendees of CALIcon, but you must RSVP in advance.  Guests are permitted, but they must purchase tickets.  The costs are $30 for adults, $15 for children 5-12 years of age and children under 5 are free. Visit  to RSVP and purchase guest tickets.

We had an outstanding response to our Call for Presentations – over 90 proposals for just about 55 available slots.  This week Elmer will be finalizing details with accepted speakers and the final program list will be available this Friday.  And don’t forget…in addition to our educational program, we’ll have two fun and exciting keynote speakers – Jason Scott, rogue archivist with the Internet Archive and Dorothea Salo, former repository librarian and current professor of library science.

Of course, there’s still time register!  You may note that there’s a new pricing structure this year.  Yes, that’s right, we LOWERED the cost of registration for attendees.

Hope to see you in June!  If you have any questions about CALIcon, please contact Elmer Masters.

Photo Credit: Kelly DeLay via Compfight cc

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