CALIcon 2020 Conference Going to a Virtual Format

Hello Fellow Zoomers,

Obviously, we are canceling the in-person CALI Conference that was scheduled for       June 4-5, 2020 in Chicago.  In the spirit of Chicago’s former Mayor, I, John Mayer (see what I did there) am not going to waste this crisis.  We are going to make lemonade out of these lemons and still have fun doing it.  Here’s the plan.

CALIcon – The Pandemic Edition

June 3-4-5, 2020 at 1 pm, 3 pm and 5 pm for 1 hour at each time.

Optional Happy Fun Time Conference Swag Box ($25 + shipping and handling).

We will be putting out a brand new, clean slate Call For Speakers soon.  We want you to do a 15 minute pre-recorded session on some topic related to Pandemic + Legal Education + Tech.   This can be a screencast, interpretive dance, podcast, Zoom panel discussion – whatever you want, but you have to record it and upload it to us by Midnight on Friday, May 15, 2020.

We will choose 18 of these and assemble them into clusters of three presentations.

We are in the midst of the largest distance learning experiment in legal education history.  Everyone – faculty, students, Teknoids, law librarians, edtech folks – everyone – has experienced it differently and had to make adjustments or witnessed a rapid change.  We want you to talk about that.  How’d it go?  Does this mean real, permanent change for legal education?  What did you learn?  If you could go back in time to December 2019, what advice would you give yourself?  You get the idea.

Here’s what the conference calendar will look like

Wednesday, June 3, 2020 –

1:00 pm – Opening Welcome + Keynote

2:00 pm – Break – eat a snack from your Happy Fun Time Schwag Box (hereafter HFTSB)

3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Live Sessions around some major topic

3:00 pm – Live session 1
3:15 pm – Live Session 2
3:30 pm – Live Session 3
3:45 pm – Q & A with all the speakers

4:00 pm – Break – HFTSB Snack and play with your CALI YoYo

5:00 pm – Live sessions around one major topic

5:00 pm – Live Session 1
5:15 pm – Live Session 2
5:30 pm – Live Session 3
5:45 pm – Q & A with all the speakers

6:30 pm -? –  Grab a libation from the fridge and join the Safe Distance Happy Happy Hour and demonstrations of yo-yo tricks.

Same plan for Thursday, June 4 and Friday, June 5.  After the last session on Friday, we will hold a raffle for a bunch of weird, cool, fun geek gadgets for anyone who paid $25 for a Happy Fun Time Schwag Box.

Everyone who submits a session will have it posted on the website.  Some will be asked to reprise their session – Live – during one of the cluster sessions during the conference.  This lets people attend what they want, but retains a modicum of a real-time rush to keep things interesting.  The Happy Fun Time Schwag Box will have a variety of conference schwag, a t-shirt, snacks, name badge, and some surprises.

Let’s have fun with this!

Regards                                                                                                                                                   John Mayer
Executive Director, CALI
Follow me on Twitter: @johnpmayer
Follow CALI on Twitter:  @caliorg


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