Download our new “U.S. Federal Income Taxation of Individuals 2021” casebook to assign for your classroom.

Death and Taxes:  Which one are you teaching?

Easy adoption for your classroom

This is the eighth version of this textbook, updated through December 2020 for use beginning January 2021.

In addition to incorporating new law and all inflation adjustments, this 2021 edition incorporates new charts pertaining to economic and tax data, including December 2019 CBO charts showing that income inequality between 2015 and 2020 (with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted in 2017) worsened after taxes and transfers than before taxes and transfers are taken into account.

This textbook is not intended to be an exhaustive treatise; rather, it is intended to be far more useful than that for beginning tax law students by equipping the novice not merely with unmoored detail but rather with a rich blueprint that illuminates the deeper structural framework on which that detail hangs (sometimes crookedly).

A Teacher’s Manual is available for faculty; please use your CALI credentials to login for access.

About eLangdell® Press

www.elangdell.cali.orgCALI’s eLangdell® Press publishes free casebooks and book chapters authored by law faculty.  All are available under a Creative Commons license so that faculty and students can use and remix the materials to suit their educational needs.

  • Over 30 publications covering 17 different legal subject areas
  • Compatible with all mobile devices and tablets. No-DRM PDF, MSWord, Kindle and iPad versions of entire books are available.
  • Print version available with no mark-up cost

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