Dean Browne Lewis, CALI Board Member and Author

We are devastated by the news of Dean Browne Lewis’ passing.   Here is the announcement from NCCU:

Browne pushed me and CALI to be better.

Dean Lewis authored three CALI books under our eLangdell Press…

Bioethics and the Law: Notes, Cases, and Problems

Law of Wills

The Law of Trusts

… and authored two CALI lessons and was a member of the CALI Board of Directors.

We will miss her counsel, authorship, and friendship.  We are diminished by this loss but determined to be better as Browne would have wished.


About John Mayer

Executive Director of the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI). Follow me on Twitter @johnpmayer. Contact me via email at Call me at 312-906-5307.
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